Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Industrial sociology paper of 2011-2012

PAPER ID- 9617                                                                        PAPER CODE-  EHU302
                          (SEM-3) THEORY EXAMINATION 2011-2012   
                                         INDUSTRIAL SOCIOLOGY
TIME : 2 HOURS                                                                         TOTAL MARKS : 50

                                   NOTE: - Attempt all question.
  1.   Attempt any four parts of the following :
  1.   Importance of industrial sociology.
  2.   Briefly explain labour process theory.
  3.   Characteristics of factory system.
  4.   Elaborate the highlight of Industrial Policy Statement 1980.
  5.   Describe in brief Navratana companies of India.
  6.   Explain in brief MRTP Act.

  1. Attempt any two parts of the following  :
  1. Explain the development of industrial sociology.
  2. Define industrial sociology and what is the relation between industrial sociology, psychology and anthropology?
  3. What are the various consequences of industrialization on society?

  1. Attempt any two parts of the following :
  1. Define the guild system and write the causes of decline of guild system.
  2. Define industrial policy. What are the objectives of the Indian industrial policy?
  3. Explain the major provisions of Industrial Policy Resolution 1991 in detail.

  1. Attempt any two parts of the following :
  1. Explain the grievances handling procedure model in detail.
  2. What is code of discipline? Explain in detail.
  3. Explain the role of government machinery to resolve industrial dispute.

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