1- Discuss about the Economic Influences of Industrialization.
2- What is the Urbanization?
3- Give a short note on Early Industrialization.
4- What are the characters of Industrialism?
5- Discuss about the theory of Max Weber.
1- Explain the IPR 1948.
2- Explain the major provisions of IPR 1956 in detail.
3- Indian Government’s industrial policy has been initially protecting, promoting and then developing. Are you agreeing with this? Discuss.
4- Describe the Agrarian industry of India.
5- Comment on the decline of Indian industry.
1- Define the industrial dispute.
2- Discuss the grievance and handling process.
3- What do you mean by Strike?
4- What is the code of discipline?
5- Differentiate between bipartite agreement in the industrial relation.
1- Attempt any four parts of the following: [14]
a. How the sociology differs from psychology political science and economics.
b. Describe in brief the NAWARATNA Companies of India
c. Discuss the scope of industrial sociology with importance and its applications
d. Give the two definitions of industrialization
e. Discuss the the role of Karl Marx and Max Weber in development of Industrial Sociology.
2- Attempt any three parts of the following: [12]
a. Define industrial revolution with causes and consequences.
b. Explain the following
i. Feudal System, ii. Guild System, iii.Domestic System
c. What is the role of social stratification in industry
d. Write a note on the salient feature of the policies from 1948 to 1991
3 3. Attempt any three parts of the following: [12]
a. Explain the grievance and its handling procedure
b. Describe the industrial relation machinery and give a brief on Code of Discipline and tripartite bodies
c. Explain the term of industrial dispute (conflict). Explain its causes.
d. Differentiate between human relation approach and scientific management approach
4. Attempt any three parts of the following. Q.4 a. is necessary. [12]
a. Describe conciliation, arbitration and adjubilation (three tiers) process in industrial relation.
b. Discuss the following
i. Industrial Employment (Standing Orders ) Act 1946
ii. Industrial Dispute Act -1947
c. Discuss the strike and lock out with causes and effects.
d. Describe the trade unionism in India and mention the merit and demerit of bureaucracy.